Central California Traction’s rare genset diesel locomotives

Rare genset diesel locomotives South of Sacramento and north of Modesto lies Stockton, Calif., home to Central California Traction Company and its rare genset diesel locomotives. Built by Brookville Equipment Corp. of Pennsylvania in early 2015, the units, designated BL12CG, are powered by a pair of Cummins prime movers connected to EMD D78 traction motors […]

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Preservation group goes to court over Bismarck bridge

BISMARCK, N.D. — The preservation group seeking to block demolition of a 140-year-old BNSF Railway bridge has taken its effort to court. The Bismarck Tribune reports that the group Friends of the Rail Bridge has filed an appeal with the state’s South Central District Court seeking to overturn a decision by the state Department of […]

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Man faces felony charge in Tacoma derailment

TACOMA, Wash. — Prosecutors in Pierce County, Wash., have filed a felony charge against a 65-year-old Tacoma man accused with derailing one car of an oil train to derail on Tuesday in Tacoma’s Tideflats industrial area. The Tacoma News Tribune reports the man was charged in Pierce County Superior Court with a felony count of […]

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Five former steam excursion locomotives that left an impact

Steam excursions in the United States are like taking center stage. Star-studded locomotives arrived with some staying while others received curtain calls. Of those that have taken their final bow, here are five former U.S. steam excursion locomotives that left an impact. Grand Trunk Western No. 5629 Excursion service 1959-1973: The class K-4a, 4-6-2 No. […]

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Man arrested after derailment of tank cars in Tacoma, Wash.

TACOMA, Wash. — A 65-year-old man was arrested Tuesday for tampering with railroad equipment, causing a derailment of tank cars carrying oil in Tacoma’s Tideflats industrial area. The Tacoma News Tribune, which reported the arrest, did not report the man’s name or any additional identifying details. The incident occurred about 7:55 a.m. Tuesday and involved […]

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How railroads design grades and curves

Given a choice, railroads will always follow a straight, level path. Trains use less energy, speeds are higher, and there’s less wear on equipment when railroads can build on an arrow-straight line. But land rises and falls, obstacles must be avoided, and this requires grades to compensate for changes in elevation and curves to reorient […]

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Amtrak service halted between Seattle and Portland, Ore.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Amtrak service between Seattle and Portland has been canceled through at least Wednesday after a landslide between Vancouver, Wash, and Kelso, Wash., on Monday. Amtrak announced the service disruption on Monday evening following the cancellation of the Seattle-Portland portion of several Cascades trains earlier in the day. The passenger operator cites a […]

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Weekend disruptions hit VIA, Amtrak long-distance trains (updated)

EDMONTON, Alberta — Early-season forest fires in Alberta temporarily shut down Canadian National’s main line between Jasper and Edmonton over the weekend, forcing VIA Rail Canada to turn the westbound and eastbound Canadians at those locations and bus passengers between them. Meanwhile, a variety of issues inflicted significant delays on Amtrak long-distance trains. This included […]

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Victorville officials kill plans for intermodal facility

VICTORVILLE, Calif. — Officials in Victorville have terminated longstanding plans to build an intermodal facility, which have become outdated with BNSF Railway’s plan to build its $1.5 billion Barstow International Gateway. The Victorville Daily Press reports that Victorville’s city council last week dissolved an agreement to develop the Southern California Logistics Rail Authority, approved by […]

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