Common name: Sweet woodruff Latin name: Galium odoratum, syn. Asperula odorata Plant type: Perennial USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9 (sheltered or near the house in Zone 3) Cultural needs: Shade or partial shade, moist (even wet) soil Plant size: 6-12″ high, spreading quickly to 9-12″ wide Do you have a rather large shady spot in need […]
Zone & Region: USDA Zones 7-10
An innovative indoor/outdoor O-scale line
1. A Southern Pacific 2-8-4 Berkshire with a Vanderbilt tender takes a freight train over the bridge. Nothing in the picture suggests that this garden line is actually built up on benchwork. Bill Hook 2. Full-size trees and the lake in the background can be seen in this dramatic view from behind the railroad. The […]
A gallery of miniature conifers
A gallery of miniature conifers: Nothing gives a sense of scale and believability to a garden railway quite as well as miniature trees. When it comes to really small trees that translate well to our railroad landscapes, conifers (cone bearing, needled evergreens) seem to have the most representatives in the miniature woody-plant kingdom. I will […]
Miniature landscape plants for warmer regions
In the center foreground is low-growing blue angel pilea; on the left is zinfandel oxalis in its green phase; the bluish, spiny thing at the top is cushion bush (Calocephelus brownii). Mark Langan The bushy “evergreen” tree in the center is a Boughton Dome hebe. This tough little customer will grow where true conifers fail. […]
Thyme-leaf fuschia
Common name: Thyme-leaf fuchsia, Encliandra fuchsia Latin name: Fuchsia thymifolia Plant size: 2-4′ high x 2′ wide Plant type: Perennial USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-11 Cultural needs: Rich, moist, drained soil; sun or light shade Planting Fuchsia thymifolia in your garden railway will surely attract hummingbirds, which love the profusion of magenta tubular flowers from spring […]
How to begin a garden
Over 2000′ of track runs through the relatively lowmaintenance Sunset Valley Railroad of Ted Sharpe in Issaquah, Washington. Dwarf Alberta spruce (Pirea glauca ‘Conica’) and low groundcovers predominantly thymes and sedums) are repeated throughout each section of the line. Joel Hayward Gary and Norma Agard of Augusta, Kansas, are building a beautiful garden in which […]
A garden railroader’s guide to the dwarf Alberta spruce
Dozens of Alberta spruce trees help create a mixed-conifer forest setting at the Little Vista Garden Railway of Larry and Pam Webb in Vista, California. Some of the trees are over 20 years old. Pat Hayward A newly planted area of the South Pacific Coast Garden Railway of Jose and Jean Picazo, Los Gatos, California, […]
Project railroad: Selecting plants
A variety of plants have been chosen to populate the railway. Marc Horovitz While building the railroad we casually discussed plant material. What would look good here, what kind of effect were we trying to create there, how should we plant this rock formation? So, when it finally came down to it, we had a […]