How to use Z scale couplers to make N scale equipment more realistic

A comparison of two N scale boxcars, one with a Z scale coupler, another with an N scale coupler

In N scale, oversized, truck-mounted couplers are still a de facto standard, but body-mounted scale-sized couplers aren’t exclusive to larger scales. Micro-Trains Line sells N scale freight cars with pads and mounting holes for easy installation of body-mounted couplers. For an even more in-scale appearance, I install Z scale couplers instead of N scale couplers. […]

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Bringing light into a black hole


Jim Kelly wanted to see all the fabulous detail on his new carbon black covered hoppers. A few simple steps had them looking more like their full-sized counterparts. Bill Zuback photo The universe has its black holes, and we who model in N scale have ours: black locomotives and rolling stock. The details are […]

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