Digest: Amtrak to end 50% limit on seat sales in May

Amtrak logo.

Amtrak to lift capacity limits on seat sales in May Amtrak will end its 50% capacity limit for ticket sales on May 24, a company spokesman has confirmed to Trains News Wire. The passenger railroad will continue to display information on the percentage of seats available on the Amtrak.com website for those wishing to seek […]

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Model railroad locomotive, freight car, structure, detail, decal, and book announcements for April 8, 2021

Gondola with lid

Product news Model railroad operators and builders can get the latest information about locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, tools, track, and more by reading Model Railroader’s frequent product updates. Here are the products Model Railroader editors have news on for the week of April 8, 2021. HO scale locomotives General Electric Evolution Series Tier 4 […]

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Tickets now on sale for return of Pikes Peak Cog Railway


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Tickets are now on sale for the resumption of operations for the Broadmoor Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway, the nation’s highest railway and one of only two cog railways in the U.S. The railway will reopen in May. Since October 2017, it has been undergoing a $100 million renovation including […]

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Digest: Death toll reaches 50 in Taiwan derailment

Derailed train in tunnel

Death toll reaches 50 in Taiwan derailment; construction supervisor arrested, released on bond At least 50 are now dead as a result of Taiwan’s worst train crash in 70 years, which occurred Friday when an express train hit a truck that had slid down an embankment from a building site. Reuters reports the manager of […]

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