American Flyer Christmas train

American Flyer Christmas Train

Name: Michael Marmer Railroad Name: American Flyer Railroad Location: Germantown, Maryland Scale: S Theme: Christmas Train Under Tree Description: The awaited 2017 American Flyer Christmas Train has arrived. It’s back under the 35 year old artificial Mountain King tree. It passes by Christmas Tree Village number two, as there seems to be no sign of […]

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American Flyer Christmas train

American Flyer Christmas Train

Name: Michael Marmer Railroad Name: American Flyer Railroad Location: Germantown, Maryland Scale: S Theme: Christmas Train Under Tree Description: The awaited 2017 American Flyer Christmas Train has arrived. It’s back under the 35 year old artificial Mountain King tree. It passes by Christmas Tree Village number two, as there seems to be no sign of […]

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An American Flyer Hudson converted to DCC

American Flyer Hudson converted to DCC using a Soundtraxx Tsunmai 1000 Decoder

Name: Michael Marmer Railroad Name: D&K Railroad Location: Germantown, Maryland Scale: S Theme: American Flyer Hudson Converted to DCC Description: This is a American Flyer Hudson converted to DCC using a Soundtraxx Tsunmai 1000 Decoder. At first I go through all the functions that the engine will do, bell, horn, light, dim, air sound, no […]

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An American Flyer Hudson converted to DCC

American Flyer Hudson converted to DCC using a Soundtraxx Tsunmai 1000 Decoder

Name: Michael Marmer Railroad Name: D&K Railroad Location: Germantown, Maryland Scale: S Theme: American Flyer Hudson Converted to DCC Description: This is a American Flyer Hudson converted to DCC using a Soundtraxx Tsunmai 1000 Decoder. At first I go through all the functions that the engine will do, bell, horn, light, dim, air sound, no […]

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Morning on the Torsion Rail Lines

American Flyer clockwork trains run on this layout

Name:    James Pekarek Forum User Name:    JamesP Railroad Name:    Torsion Rail Lines Scale:    O gauge Theme:    Clockwork Train Layout Description:    An American Flyer clockwork locomotive leaves the engine terminal to pick up a passenger car at the Girard station and make the morning trip around the Torsion Rail Lines. […]

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