Meet the Modeler: Kathy Millatt

Kathy, in red T-shirt, poses with a paintbrush and several structures

What was your first train set (or locomotive)? My first set was my Dad’s Hornby Dublo 3-rail set from the 1950s. He had loads of buildings and track that we put out every Christmas. Over time, I moved on to a 4-by-8-foot piece of plywood. The height of my modelling was using (bright orange!) builder’s […]

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Congressional hearing set for Wednesday on DC Metro issues

WMATA (DC Metro) logo

WASHINGTON — A House subcommittee is set to hold a hearing Wednesday on the problem-plagued DC Metro transit system. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Subcommittee on Government Operations will hold the 9 a.m. EST hearing on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s “responsibility to provide safe and reliable transit service to the National […]

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The Trains Interview: Scott Lothes

Head shot of man in shirt and vest

MADISON, Wis. — Scott Lothes has guided the Center for Railroad Photography & Art as its executive director for more than 10 years, leading the Center through a period in whch its budget and archives expanded fivefold and its staff grew dramatically. Trains News Wire interviewed him to learn more about the Center’s success, how […]

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Canadian government announces intent to implement PTC


OTTAWA — The Canadian government has announced plans to require its own version of positive train control, which it is calling Enhanced Train Control. Transport Canada has published a Notice of Intent to implement the safety system, which is intended to ensure trains comply with trackside signaling and speed limits and avoid collisions. In the […]

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CSX train derails after grade-crossing accident

Locomotive on its side and overturned container cars

DOUGLAS, Ga. — Both members of the train were reported to have been taken to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries after a CSX intermodal train struck a truck and derailed in Douglas, Ga., on Monday afternoon. WFXL-TV reports that the train of two locomotives and 39 cars struck an unoccupied semi truck that […]

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Rail Passenger Association petition backs Gulf Coast service

Rail Passengers Association logo

WASHINGTON — There are now dueling petitions over Amtrak’s effort to launch Gulf Coast passenger service. CSX Transportation last week asked shippers to sign a petition or send letters to the Surface Transportation Board in support of its position opposing Gulf Coast service unless Amtrak pays for extensive infrastructure work [see “CSX seeks shipper support […]

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Five Class I CEOs on schedule at NARS meeting in Kansas City

North American Rail Shippers logo

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — CEOs of five Class I railroads are currently on the schedule for this year’s North American Rail Shippers meeting, to be held May 9-11 at the Kansas City Downtown Marriott. Scheduled or invited to appear are Canadian Pacific’s Keith Creel, BNSF’s Katie Farmer, CSX’s Jim Foote, Kansas City Southern’s Pat Ottensmeyer, […]

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FRA sets track and roadway safety symposium

Federal Railroad Administration logo

WASHINGTON — The Federal Railroad Administration will hold its first Track & Roadway Workplace Safety Symposium April 5-7 in St. Louis. There is no registration fee, and registrants receive a discounted lodging rate at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel. The event was originally scheduled for 2020 in Louisville, Ky., but was postponed because of […]

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