The Southern Railway was famous for good-quality passenger service. Here are Classic Trains editors’ picks for the five best Southern trains. Crescent Introduced on April 26, 1925, the Crescent Limited ran between New Orleans, Mobile, Atlanta, Washington, and New York. The train was operated by the Louisville & Nashville, West Point Route, Southern, and Pennsylvania […]
Section: Photos
Model railroad humor: Lockdown
First man: Wow! You finished your train layout! Second man: Yeah, at least one good thing came out of this lockdown. […]
Steam-powered freights, a streamlined passenger train, and more model railroad photos
Trackside Photos is a showcase for the work of Model Railroader readers. Send your photos (digital images 5 megapixels or larger) to: Model Railroader, Trackside Photos, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612; or upload them to For our photo submission guidelines, contact associate editor Steven Otte at […]
Fun-size railroading
Fun-size railroading Buffalo Creek & Gauley motorcar B shows off rear door, two backup lights, and a coupler. The West Virginia short line connected with the Baltimore & Ohio Dundon. James R. Greene photo […]
The final Frontier
The final Frontier Central’s Frontier Yard, formally opened on March 14, 1956, replaced eight smaller yards in the Buffalo area, slashing classification time per car from 27 hours to 9. New York Central photo […]
Lonely Rock Island
Lonely Rock Island An inbound Rock Island commuter train arrives at the mostly vacant LaSalle Street Station on Dec. 27, 1972. The Chicago skyline shown here is drastically different from what visitors today would see. Denny Hamilton photo […]
Pennsy power
Pennsy power A Pennsylvania Railroad M1 4-8-2 and a pair of PA passenger diesels, both assigned to helper service, are seen at Ralston, Pa., on a damp May 4, 1957. Note the crewman climbing the steam locomotive. Jim Shaughnessy photo […]
Scenic wonder
Scenic wonder Curved windows along the edge of the roof give the Santa Fe’s Hi-Level lounges, a signature of the all-coach El Capitan, a bright, airy feeling. A smaller lounge-buffet is on the lower level. Budd Co. photo […]
Articulated study
Articulated study Pittsburgh & West Virginia 1102, from the first group of 2-6-6-4s, is in as-built condition at Rook, Pa., in May 1940, with footboards and tender booster. The 132-mile railroad had seven such locomotive. Nos. 1100–1102, built 1934, had boosters on rear tender truck, which were removed in 1944. Harold K. Vollrath collection […]
Rock Island resourcefulness
Rock Island resourcefulness The Rock Island converted an old flatcar to a ramp in Sioux Falls, S.D., in 1961. One truck and coupler is still in place (note the wheel stops on the track just to the right of the ramp). D. E. Winter photo […]
Before the whiteout
Before the whiteout Wearing the handsome yellow, black, and red Kansas City Southern passenger-diesel livery, E8 No. 28 is at Sallisaw, Okla., with the New Orleans-Kansas City Southern Belle in June 1962. KCS began using a version of this paint scheme, introduced with the Belle in 1940. The railroad later went to all-red and all-white […]
Baldwin’s best?
Baldwin’s best? Baldwin’s best-known diesels are its sharknose cab units, in particular the DR-4-4-15 and RF-16 freight units that became favorites among railfans. Here DR-4-4-15 demonstrator 6001 and a booster pause at Des Moines, Iowa, on the Wabash in 1950. Louis A. Marre collection […]