Surface Transportation Board now adding chemical and plastics traffic reporting requirements NEWSWIRE


WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board announced today that it is adopting a final rule amending its railroad performance data reporting rules to include certain chemical and plastics traffic as a distinct reporting category to the Class I railroads’ weekly reporting for the “cars-held” metric. The cars-held metric tracks the average number of loaded and […]

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Analysis: Host railroads at odds with FRA proposal to measure Amtrak on-time performance


The southbound Adirondack arrives at Port Kent, N.Y., in 2016. In testimony on proposed new timekeeping measures for Amtrak trains, Canadian Pacific cited concernes it could be penalized for Adirondack delays resulting from late handoffs from another railroad. Bob Johnston WASHINGTON — Railroads hosting Amtrak trains have challenged the Federal Railroad Administration’s attempt to simplify […]

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