Lionel Legacy A5-class 0-4-0

side view of Christmas steam locomotive

In January 2022, when Lionel released the Volume 1 Big Book, a few pages beyond the Visionline Class A you’d find an old, but familiar locomotive, the A5. Tooling from K-Line became the skeleton for this small 0-4-0 switching locomotive. However, even with good bones, it took Lionel two and a half years to deliver […]

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Illinois Terminal locomotives remembered

Diesel Illinois Terminal locomotives pull maroon passenger cars

  Illinois Terminal locomotives included steam, electric, and diesel over its existence.   The Illinois Terminal was an electric interurban line serving western Illinois down to the St. Louis area. In the mid-1950s the railroad abandoned its electric operations, moving to all-diesel operation — the last steam ran in 1950, and dieselization had begun with […]

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Notable model train products from the early 1960s

Black, white, and blue vintage advertisement page with a large toy train diesel locomotive photo at the top, a white and black box of inset text and sales points, and a blue band at the bottom with black and white text and two gray illustrations of speeding trains heading in opposite directions.

One of my favorite things to do while eating lunch is to pull out an old volume of Model Railroader magazine and page through it. Lately, I’ve been working my way through the decade of the 1960s, often posting things I’ve rediscovered to MR’s Facebook page under the heading of “Lunchtime Reading.” Editor Linn Westcott […]

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Secondhand 2-8-2 in West Virginia


Mikado 482 was built by Alco’s Schenectady plant for the Mobile & Ohio in 1928. It went to West Virginia short line Cherry River Boom & Lumber after the GM&O merger. It’s resting at Jerryville, W.Va., southwest of Elkins, in May 1952. Ed Theisinger photo […]

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U.S. Sugar 148 enjoys the spotlight

A color photograph of a steam locomotive pulling more modern passenger cars

I haven’t counted every last owner one time or another of Florida East Coast 4-6-2 No. 148, but it must be close to a record. For a mainline-size engine, the Pacific was incredibly peripatetic, sort of like former Burlington 2-8-2 No. 4960 before it landed at the Grand Canyon Railway. The 148 emerged from Alco’s […]

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Topeka heritage group seeks to save Santa Fe locomotive

TOPEKA, Kan. — A non-profit group seeks some $1 million to move and cosmetically restore a Santa Fe 4-6-4 long on display in Topeka but that has experienced significant neglect and deterioration since the 1990s, the Topeka Capital-Journal reports. Hudson No. 3463, built by Baldwin in 1937, is the only surviving member of a class […]

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Soo Line No. 1003 attracts crowds for 2024 Santa Train

Steam locomotive in front of crowds of people

HARTFORD, Wis. — A bit too early to be kicking off the holiday season? That certainly wasn’t the case for Soo Line No. 1003, the Steam Locomotive Heritage Association, and Downtown Hartford. The 2-8-2 was in steam on Nov. 9, 2024, for the annual Santa Train to precede the city’s Christmas Parade. Mike Raia, president […]

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Locomotives we love: Lionel No. 675 steam engine and tender

black model steam locomotive

Dick Christianson, the founding editor of Classic Toy Trains and the consummate cheerleader for Lionel trains of the postwar era, was recently asked about his top locomotive. He’s owned several great steam and diesel models from the 1940s and ’50s. As editor, he observed virtually every locomotive Lionel cataloged in those decades and long after. […]

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N&W 0-8-0 boiler


Norfolk & Western built 0-8-0 switchers until 1953, the last conventional steam locomotives built for U.S. service. Devoid of all fittings, a new 0-8-0 boiler is upside down at N&W’s Roanoke, Va., shops. W. A. Akin Jr. photo […]

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