10 gems of layout wisdom


Carl uses red parts of his nos. 342 culvert loader and 345 culvert unloader to accentuate no. 2031 Rock Island Alcos. Carl Rygiewicz The best part of building and operating a layout, irrespective of its size or scale, is realizing how much you have learned and being eager to share a few lessons and insights […]

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10 gems of layout wisdom


Carl uses red parts of his nos. 342 culvert loader and 345 culvert unloader to accentuate no. 2031 Rock Island Alcos. Carl Rygiewicz The best part of building and operating a layout, irrespective of its size or scale, is realizing how much you have learned and being eager to share a few lessons and insights […]

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Tracklaying: adhesives, nails, or spikes?


Track and roadbed can be fastened to foam insulation board with construction adhesives made for use with the foamboard. Apply a ¼” bead along the center line, use a putty knife to spread it in a thin layer, and press the roadbed down into place. Add weights to hold it while the adhesive sets. Then […]

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How-to Library: Designing and Printing Decals

Several graphics being designed on a computer screen.

Model Railroader magazine’s Steve Otte shares a decal printing technique he used to complete his structure for MRVP’s State Line Kitbash Challenge. Follow along as he demonstrates the steps that take you from computer design to color-printed, waterslide decal sheets! […]

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