G&W locomotives to scrap or upgrade per EPA decree in 2023

G&W locomotives to scrap or upgrade: Genesee & Wyoming recently entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Justice Department and the EPA that requires it to disable or upgrade more than 70 locomotives currently operating. The original News Wire article is online. The key parts of that EPA decree read as follows: “Defendants shall […]

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BNSF announces 2023 capital plan

FORT WORTH, Texas — BNSF Railway plans to spend $3.96 billion on capital investments in 2023, the railroad announced Thursday — an increase of more than $400 million from its plan in 2022. “Our capital plan reflects our growth mindset and commitment to having the capacity and equipment we need to support our customers,” Katie […]

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Railroading and the 1967 Chicago snow storm

Railroading and the 1967 Chicago snow storm: My week off, and a visit home to the Detroit area, had been planned. That its timing, at the end of January 1967, turned out to allow me to view the aftermath of Chicago’s heaviest 24-hour snowfall ever, and ride one special train and photograph another, was coincidental. […]

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NS holds steady with 2023 capital plans

BOCA RATON, Fla. — When it comes to capital plans, Norfolk Southern is holding steady. The railroad is at a “steady state” in basics such as rail and tie replacement, Ed Boyle, vice president of engineering, said Thursday at the annual NRC Conference, meaning its goals for 2023 are similar to its achievements in 2022. […]

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Union Pacific continues to develop tie unloading system

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Ties are a big topic at the annual NRC Conference — just about every railroad mentions how many ties it will replace in the coming year —so it makes sense that Shane Keller, Union Pacific’s vice president of engineering, wanted to highlight UP’s effort to improve the tie-replacement process. Keller was […]

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Permanent garden railroads you can visit

From simple elevated loops to railroading empires through a floral oasis, consider these permanent large-scale displays and garden railroads you can visit: Both across the United States and around the world. Please note that the status of any location can change, which is why it’s recommended to contact prior to a planned visit. If you […]

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Union Pacific Corporation profile

An eastbound Union Pacific auto rack train passes through Lombard, Ill., on Nov. 16, 2019. TRAINS: David Lassen Read more Union Pacific articles on Trains’ website. Union Pacific summary Omaha, Nebraska-based Union Pacific Corporation is a railroad holding company for the Union Pacific Railroad Company (UP). It controls one of the largest railroads in the […]

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Amtrak St Louis services through time

Amtrak St Louis services have included routes to the East, Southwest, and other Midwest points throughout its 50-plus-year history. At one time, the Gateway City was a secondary Midwest hub for Amtrak. Long-distance trains serving St. Louis through the years included the Inter-American, National Limited, and Texas Eagle. Additional short-distance trains include services to Chicago […]

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