Trains offers something for everyone who has a spark for railroading: Railroad news, insight, and commentary on today’s freight railroads, passenger service, transit, locomotives, technology, preservation, fan opportunities, and more. You’ll also see images and read stories from railroading’s glorious past, and explore the bright future of railroading. It’s all in the pages of Trains magazine.
Trains Express August 2010 free download!
TGV: High Speed Hero
By Keith Fender
Bonus Content: Learn more about European high speed, visit Alstom’s TGV assembly plant, see TGV’s train station, and find out how TGVs are serviced and maintained
Virginia & Truckee Lives!
By Jim Wrinn
Bonus Content: See historic photos of the V&T
Mon Con Memories
Map of the Month: Pennsylvania’s Mountain Soul
Adventures of an Amtrak On-Board Service Director
WEB EXCLUSIVE: St. Kitts Scenic Railway
Railroad Reading: Shortline Charm
News & Photos
Don Phillips
Fred W. Frailey
Bonus Content: See two reports about Kansas’ Amtrak options
City Rail
From the Editor
Welcome to the future of American passenger railroading
Trackside Guide: Tacoma, Wash.
Iowa man recreates Virginia & Truckee 2-6-0 No. 1 Lyon
Ask Trains
South Shore interurban cars • Boxcar retirements • Open-air platform access