Trains offers something for everyone who has a spark for railroading: Railroad news, insight, and commentary on today’s freight railroads, passenger service, transit, locomotives, technology, preservation, fan opportunities, and more. You’ll also see images and read stories from railroading’s glorious past, and explore the bright future of railroading. It’s all in the pages of Trains magazine.
Trains Express March 2010 downloadable package
The American Roundhouse
By John P. Hankey
Bonus Content: See photos of roundhouses in a spectacular gallery. Also, check out a list of roundhouses still standing today
2009 Trains/Canon Photo Contest Winners
Map of the Month: Whatever Happened to the New Haven?
Against the Odds
Cabooses and Apple Trees on Helmstetter’s Curve
By Bob Bahrs
Bonus Content: See how volunteers have replaced the fire-ravaged barn at Helmstetter’s Curve
WEB EXCLUSIVE: Through the Cumberlands to Chattanooga
Railroad Reading: The Railroad Way
News & Photos
Bonus Content: Read about the man who helped save nearly 700 Jewish children escape the Holocaust by train. Find out about Europe’s plans for transportation investment
Don Phillips
Fred W. Frailey
City Rail
From the Editor
The irresistible roundhouse
Former Ohio Central owner and his wife build the newest roundhouse
1856 roundhouse is home to Chicago-area restaurant and brewery
Ask Trains
Sierra Railroad and TV series • Pantograph contacts • Wheel diameters