News & Reviews News Wire Tanks for July 4 event moved by rail NEWSWIRE

Tanks for July 4 event moved by rail NEWSWIRE

By Angela Cotey | July 2, 2019

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

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CSX commemorative units Nos. 1776 and 911 move a three-car special north of Richmond, Va., on Sunday.
Joe Garnett
WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Trump’s July 4 event in the nation’s capital will include fireworks, planes flying overhead, and U.S. military tanks that arrived by rail. CSX’s veterans’ locomotive, No. 1776, and first responders’ unit, No. 911, did the honors between the Army’s post at Fort Stewart near Savannah, Ga., and Benning Yard on the edge of the capital city.

On Monday, Trump said tanks will be part of the celebration that will include a speech he will make at the Lincoln Memorial. On Sunday, CSX Nos. 1776 and 911 were spotted on the mainline north of Richmond, Va., hauling three heavy duty Department of Defense flatcars. Observers identified two M1A1 Abrams tanks and two Bradley Fighting Vehicles as part of the cargo that also included a Humvee.

The return trip will be less glamorous: The DODX flats and their loads will return to Georgia on regular trains with no special power.

24 thoughts on “Tanks for July 4 event moved by rail NEWSWIRE

  1. For a long time now, some readers here object to political content on what they feel is a hobby forum. But politics is part of rail, and especially Passenger rail.

  2. Well by golly! It looks as if the American Republic has survived the presence of two Army tanks and two IFVs at the 4th of July celebration in Washington, DC.

  3. They’re not exactly going in regular service. An Abrams tank is 12 feet wide; too wide for regular service. There is a book of special routings for tanks and other regular oversize loads..

  4. Mr. Feldman, please don’t drop your subscription. While some of the articles are meh, the majority of the content is by and far interesting, relevant and informative. Ditto for news feed. As far as the posts with political agendas, while they certainly don’t belong on a hobbyist feed, shake your head and laugh at them. I’m sure that by now you can identify who the usual trolls are and predict what their message will be. Lots of frustrated pseudo-intellectuals out there who choose to vent and fulminate wherever they can. Don’t get sucked in by the nonsense – enjoy the actual content.

  5. It is a sad statement indeed about the state of this country that the related article has produced the snarky political comments we see here, not to mention are fair amount of knee jerk ignorance. That sort of thing, plus articles such as “everything you never wanted to know about spikes,” are encouraging me to drop my subscription.

  6. At least the rail crews get some experience hauling flatcars with Army loads aboard. I see nothing wrong with this at all. I live in Liberalchusetts, aka Marxachusetts, where our Leftist wackos are driven nuts by Trump’s actions such as this military display. Doesn’t bother me.

  7. While the Declaration of Independence was, and is, important; a piece of paper did not secure our freedom.

    It took armed men like the ones standing on a bridge at Lexington ready to face the British Army, which happened before The Declaration, to do that.

    McFarlane, you’re wrong.

    OK, so I’ll say CSX, railroad, trains. I’m proud of my service in the US Army and you cannot take that away.

  8. Newsflash, before there where railroads and trains in the United States, before there was even a United States there was this little ceremony paper signed by some important people and called the Declaration of Independence, which is what we celebrate on the 4th of July…there was no military or militia involved in our Declaration of Independence…FACT.

  9. Ronald Hull notwithstanding, I have long wondered if today’s USA would be capable of responding to an attack similar to Pearl Harbor, or would the President, as he addressed the Congress on the situation, be accused of making up a crises for a photo-op. Sad.

  10. 13 comments here – only five use the word train, rail or CSX. This politically charged nonsense on a hobbyist news feed is a drag and a drain. Please air your partisan hysteria elsewhere.

  11. When I was a kid the national guard was always in July 4th parades. They usually brought a couple of Korean War era trucks towing howitzers. But war veterans were always up front riding in convertibles. I still remember a 80+ year old gentleman who fought in the Spanish-American War getting a roaring ovation. So I guess I don’t understand the animosity over a couple of displays of tanks in DC for the same holiday. It’s not like we are towing Minuteman II’s or MX missiles through town on the back of trucks.

    I hope people do realize that those military parades we see from other countries, those are not active missiles being dragged through town and we wouldn’t do the same.

    The last “active” missile movement I came across in Wyoming had no less than 4 state troopers and 2 humvee’s full of armed Marines with one at station above with his 50 cal fully ready.

    1 train with one DOD flatbed is pretty low key.

  12. They are NOT Trump’s tanks. They are our, and our Army’s, tanks.

    And without our US Army you and I would be subjects of some authoritarian government and have zilch freedom.

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with including a quite small tribute to the US Army in a 4th of July celebration in the nation’s capital.

    God Bless America, forever!

  13. So CSX operated a 3 car special freight train from Georgia to D.C. so Trump’s tanks would make it to the Mall on time. Who is paying for this–the taxpayer? Or did CSX generously submit to political pressure to donate the expedited service? All this publicity show at the same time as we see graphic images of the humanitarian crisis in the detention centers at the southern border. A point to ponder as to where our priorities lie.

  14. it was not only the Continental troops that made it possible for our country to come into being; there were militia in many places–on both sides of the conflict. Some were led by line officers.

  15. Right on the button Jeff B. No military – No Independence Day. In my town we used to have fly overs & military equipment in parades. Nothing new except that Trump is President so we must hate it. Get over it already. God bless this great country!

  16. If it weren’t for the Continental military forces, there would be no birthday to celebrate, the signers of the Declaration would have been hung or shot as traitors to the Crown, and we’d be saying, “God save the King/Queen” instead of the Pledge of Allegiance.

  17. While it may be an ersatz military show, tank tread’s damage to hot asphalt on Penna Ave, like the cost of extra “security,” the rail shipment, etc., will be paid by??

  18. From what I have heard about this “event,” the tanks will not be “paraded,” but rather placed on display on or by the National Mall, possibly with people being allowed to inspect up close or pose atop. But my sources may be inaccurate as well. Time will tell.

    I personally (as someone who dislikes Trump a lot) don’t see this as any different than docking a Navy ship for tours, or a military jet flyover for major spectacles such as sporting events or the Fourth of July. Those who loathe the mere idea of a military will hate it no matter what; those who fawn over the military or have family in the service will love it; and it gives the vast middle ground a chance to see what their tax dollars do “up close and personal.” Would anyone (especially media commentators) see this any differently if someone other than Trump were involved–say, a President McCain, Romney, Clinton, etc. and it were being done simply as a small PR effort for the military?

  19. I agree with David. The 4th of July is about the birth of our country not some war. We don’t need a military parade. It’s our birthday! and it’s time for a birthday party. But at least CSX is making the best of it.

  20. I’m fully aware of what the 4th of July is about. Emulating the Soviet Union isn’t part of it. I suppose, if we must have tanks, at least they are being transported by rail.

  21. Not me. July 4 is for more than drinking beer and having a cookout. I’m old enough to have been actually been taught American History as a schoolboy. Shame on you both.

  22. I think I will keep my opinion of Trump, and his requirement for this military parade, to myself…

    The above comments are general in nature and do not form the basis for an attorney/client relationship. They do not constitute legal advice. I am not your attorney. Find your own damn lawyer.

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