Big Boy 4014 in Cheyenne NEWSWIRE
| Last updated on November 3, 2020
4-8-8-4 is christened, then hits the road for Utah
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| Last updated on November 3, 2020
4-8-8-4 is christened, then hits the road for Utah
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way to go blocking the video with the stupid banner. !!We know it is TRAINS !! you folks are really getting bad at your reporting !
They are some beautiful, steam breathing marvels. Thanks to all that helped get them there. I also never knew there was a tender with 7 axel’s.
Thanks so much for all the efforts!!
Where’s the cover for the chain? I’m watching Last of the Giants, and there’s a cover over the chain.
IT’S ALIVE! WOW. Thank you UNION PACIFIC. This is hard to believe but a couple of years ago, nobody would have predicted it. I wish all those who worked to make this happen all the praise they deserve. THANK YOU.
Congratulations to Ed Dickens and the entire heritage team for completing this herculean task!
I remember sitting in the Engineer’s seat on 4014 when it was at the LA County fairgrounds. It was always one of my first stops.