HOMEWOOD, Ill. — Canadian National continues to announce its capital spending plans in the United States, after previously announcing plans in Canada.
The railroad has now announced plans in five states. It says it will spend $190 million in Illinois, $120 million in Wisconsin, $100 million in Tennessee, more than $95 million in Louisiana, and more than $80 million in Minnesota.. Investments in positive train control are part of the figures for Illinois, Wisconsin, and Louisiana. Other significant projects include expansion of the Joliet (Ill.) Intermodal Terminal; construction of eight miles of double track near Hawthorne, Wis.; a new passing siding near Glendale, Minn.; and, in Louisiana, a multi-year project to rebuild the 2-mile-long bridge over the spillway near the southwest shore of Lake Pontchartrain.
Combined, work in the five states will also include replacement of more than 86 miles of rail and 413,000 ties, and rebuilds at more than 190 grade crossings.
The railroad had previously announced plans in Canada (all figures in Canadian dollars):
— $370 million in Alberta, with projects including three double-tracking projects totaling about 24 miles;
— $345 million in British Columbia, including a new passing siding in Port Edward, B.C., 2.5 miles of double track west of Prince George, and a multi-year project to increase capacity at the port of Vancouver;
— $320 million in Ontario, including new equipment, infrastructure, and a satellite terminal for the Brampton, Ont., intermodal facility;
— $245 million in Saskatchewan, including four double-tracking projects totaling about 35 miles;
— $235 million in Quebec;
— $120 million in Manitoba, including a new siding near Nourse, Man., and 6.3 miles of double track near Exira, Man.;
— $45 million in New Brunswick;
— $5 million in Nova Scotia.
— Note: Updated with plans for Minnesota on April 11. CN is gradually releasing its plans systemwide; this article will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.
Steven Burns: CN sends out what is essentially a form press release for every state and province. This is a summary of those released to date. We felt there was enough information on key projects to make an article worthwhile. When we receive information on other states, we will update accordingly. — David Lassen, associate editor.
John Barlow’s comment below regarding Barrington, IL and the other Newswire item about Glenview, IL deciding to allocate additional money to legal efforts to fight a rail expansion in their area; add a new item to the checklist one should make when deciding where to relocate or purchase a home. Make sure the city fathers aren’t a bunch of litigious fools.
I assume these are just the highlights and there is some capital spending in the other states, right? It’s hard to tell when this item seems to be simply regurgitated from a press release.
Maybe this not referenced double tracking project along the CN’s EJ&E in Illinois is not slated for 2019 but the Village of Barrington IL has requested on 4/9/19 that STB re-open a previously denied proceeding requesting that CN financially contribute to a grade separation of CN’s ex-EJ&E RoW through Barrington due to CN’s planned increase in daily train counts by 9 to a projected 29.3 cumulative daily trains by 2020. Barrington claims it learned of CN’s plans from its permit application to the US Army Corps of Engineer in December 2018 “…requesting approval to build a second mainline track for 4.27 miles within its right-of-way running between Shoe Factory Road and Spaulding Road just to the south of Barrington. This new second mainline track will join an existing double track that extends to approximately 4.6 miles south of Barrington…
And just to follow up on that previous comment, CN just sent out the release on capital spending in Minnesota. As soon as our website is back up, I’ll add that information in. — David
Just to keep things in perspective.
In 2017, all public spending on highways was 177 F35’s, mass-transit was 70 F35’s, aviation 37 F35’s, water transportation 10 F35’s, and rail 5 F35.
What the CN is spending is about the cost of 1 F35 spare tire.
“positive grain control”…is that distillery lingo?
Also wondering how 8 miles of 2nd main will affect the Neenah WI bottleneck.
This company spends far more in share buy-backs than on capital spending. 22 million shares to be repurchased, well over $2B Canadian.
Just read any of Fred Frailey’s trip reports on his torturous rides on the VIA Canadian and it is clear to see that CN doesn’t spend anywhere near enough to keep the railroad fluid.
Must be a hill between Solon springs and Hawthorne
Hawthorne, WI is not too far SE of Superior, about halfway to Solon Springs.