News & Reviews News Wire Trains News Wire Digest for Wednesday, Feb. 19 NEWSWIRE

Trains News Wire Digest for Wednesday, Feb. 19 NEWSWIRE

By Angela Cotey | February 19, 2020

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

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Wednesday morning rail news:
— Quebec has entered into an economic development agreement with the James Bay Cree that would see new rail lines and roads built in northern Quebec. Work on the C$4.7 billion dollar deal would take place in see phases and see roads and rail extended as far north as Whapmagoostui and roads as far east as Schefferville on the north end of the Quebec North North & Labrador.
— Official are investigating the derailment of a Canadian National train near Sainte-Marie-Salomé north of Montreal. CTV reports that an object may have been set on the tracks to derail the train, but CN has not confirmed that.
— Vandals have struck a Sound Transit light rail tunnel, limiting service at the Mount Baker and Beacon Hill stations on the Central Link line. The vandal caused a flood that damaged electrical and ventilation systems in the Beacon Hill Tunnel. Regular service is expected to resume on Thursday.

10 thoughts on “Trains News Wire Digest for Wednesday, Feb. 19 NEWSWIRE

  1. Darryl Williams.. While expensive.. You must be reminded of the untapped mineral wealth that lies in the Canadian Shield.. Mineral reserves that rival Russia and Afghanistan.

  2. Interesting article and map on the proposed northern Quebec rail lines. The premier says the railway will cost “in the tens of millions of dollars”. Complete, utter nonsense. Just the bridge alone that will be needed to cross the Eastmain river will cost millions of dollars, and there will be several hundred smaller bridges needed. I can’t see any justification for this railroad extension, especially up to Whapmagoostui.

  3. ….is this what our soldiers fought for in two world wars….MY GOD when are our governments going too start governing instead of its members looking after their pocket books before the
    welfare of CANADA .i…..I am ASHAMED to say I am a CANADIAN.

  4. Thanks Robert Ray, I mis-read that. You are correct – the study alone will cost tens of millions, which the two entities will split.

    I still have a hard time believing this project will only cost $4.7 Billion. I have actually been to this area, driven and camped from Baie Comeau to Saguenay, around Lac St Jean, up to Chibougamou, over to Nemiskau, then all the way up to Radisson and Chisasibi. Also drove out a Hydro Quebec road – the one they show leading towards Schefferville, which is a good idea to connect up with.

    Yes, I know, all kinds of mining resources likely exist up there, but the most valuable ones are already being mined at Fermont, Mont Wright, and Labrador City, and at Schefferville/ Bloom Lake (thanks to all the work by Cliffs Resources before pulling out (see link below)).

    You know where else has huge mining potential? The so called Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario. Thats been a festering project for at least 15 years or more, and some companies have gone bankrupt trying to tap it. See here:

  5. Looks like one rail line they want built is just rebuilding something CN abandoned at an earlier date. Perhaps that at least is an easy fix?

  6. For Williams the planning studies will cost in the tens of millions of dollars, not the actual construction costs.

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