News & Reviews News Wire Trump, Newsom chat about California high speed rail NEWSWIRE

Trump, Newsom chat about California high speed rail NEWSWIRE

By Dan Zukowski | February 26, 2019

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

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WASHINGTON – California Gov. Gavin Newsom shook hands with President Trump at a White House dinner Sunday night, where Trump brought up the contentious high speed rail project during a brief conversation, Newsom told reporters.

Despite their differences, Newsom says he want to “continue to have a relationship with the president on things that matter.” The governor also held closed-door meetings with several Cabinet officials, although it’s not clear if the Department of Transportation was included.

Both Republican and Democratic members of California’s Congressional delegation also met with Newsom, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, Rep. Tom McClintock of Elk Grove, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein. While both Democrats have so far been silent on the administration’s actions to claw back $3.5 billion in grants for the project, McClintock told Fox News on Monday, “This high speed rail has been a boondoggle since the day it was proposed.” McCarthy has tweeted that “It’s time to move on from #CAHSR.”

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the California High Speed Rail Authority tells Trains News Wire that the agency is feverishly working on a response to the Federal Railroad Administration’s letter stating its intent to cancel a $929 million grant and seek the return of $2.5 billion previously transferred to the CHSRA.

In a statement sent to Trains News Wire, the rail authority’s CEO, Brian Kelly, says, “We have received and are reviewing the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) letter threatening federal funds dedicated to the high-speed rail project. We are preparing a comprehensive response by their requested deadline of March 5. We remain committed to delivering high-speed rail and its many economic, environmental, and mobility benefits to Californians.”

7 thoughts on “Trump, Newsom chat about California high speed rail NEWSWIRE

  1. Mr. Foster, Mr. Dickey, and Mr. Landey: I agree with all of you 100%! I couldn’t have said it better myself. Y’all wrote some pretty compelling “food for thought” there.

  2. Darn… All that loot is just going to go to looters running the highway, transit, military, and farms scams. I think we need smarter-n-savvier scam creators in the HSR community.

  3. Gentlemen: There were a number of compelling issues separating the two candidates in 2016. So I didn’t pay any attention to what Mr. Trump said about trains of the future. In any event, Cal-HSR doesn’t qualify as a train of the future as it won’t get built, with or without federal aid.

    Trump should (1) Write off California entirely, and (2) tell New York and New Jersey that there will be no federal aid for Gateway until earthworms like Schumer, DeBlasio, Cuomo, AOC and Booker start acting like adults.

  4. California’s high speed rail is one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer money going. Don’t ever trust govt estimates of cost or ridership – they always seem to underestimate cost and overestimate riders. BTW – not just rail projects.

    How about some real life accountability – as in “hey guys and gals – if you get the numbers right you go up two pay grades – but if you get it wrong you go down two pay grades.”

  5. I doubt that CA’s HSR as proposed is the way of the future. Schumer had a chance for Gateway but he chose not funding the wall instead of compromising to get it. Also, considering what happened with Amazon, its looks like the NY elected officials are the ones who aren’t delivering.

  6. Mr. Trump did promise to “build the railways of the future” in campaign speeches and state-of-the-union addresses — so far he’s big hat and no cattle — working with Newsom to get the CaHSR project back on track could be one way to fulfill his promise — along with Gateway!

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