WASHINGTON — The Association of American Railroads is asking for public support for its position opposing the reciprocal switching proposal to be considered by the Surface Transportation Board.
The AAR, on its website, is asking people to sign a letter to the STB in which it says the reciprocal switching rule — which it has labeled “forced switching” — “stands to undercut rail revenues” as well as the “investments that enable efficient service.” The letter contends the rule will “lead to less rail usage” because it “presents both short-term disruption to an already strained supply chain and long-term harm if it leads to fewer transportation options for businesses and more congestion on public infrastructure — not to mention diminished passenger rail service.”
The AAR also has a lengthy overview of its position on the switching proposal on its website.
The Surface Transportation Board will hold hearings March 15-16 on its proposed reciprocal switching rule, which dates to 2016. It has yet to determine if that hearing will be an in-person or online proceeding [see “STB sets details for hearing on reciprocal switching,” Trains News Wire, Dec. 28, 2021].
Does AAR represent both sides of this subject? The RR’s that will gain access to customers who have NO choice and the RR’s who want to restrict other RR’s from competing for those companies. It seems like the AAR is promoting monopolistic practices.