WASHINGTON — The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill requiring Amtrak to report annually to Congress on its progress in improving stations to stations with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The bill, previously passed by the Senate, now goes to President Joe Biden for his signature.
S.4107, the Think Differently Transportation Act, was sponsored in the Senate by Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and passed by unanimous consent on Dec. 3. In the House, it was sponsored by Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-N.Y.) and passed on a voice vote on Dec. 17.
“When the ADA was signed into law, it promised that intercity passenger rail would become accessible within 20 years, yet — more than 30 years later — too many Amtrak stations still fail to live up to that promise,” Duckworth said in a press release. “… This bill sends the message that it’s long past time to ensure our rail stations are accessible for everyone. Whether on transit, rail, or a plane, all Americans with disabilities should be able to safely and easily access the transportation systems they need to get around — and I’m proud that this legislation will help make that goal a reality for more Americans.”

Molinaro said, “Amtrak has repeatedly failed to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, and this bill will hold them to comply with ADA requirements. Every person, of every ability, deserves access to stations and trains.”
The legislation follows the All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP) Act of 2021, a bill introduced by Duckworth which established a $1.75 billion, five-year grant program for commuter and transit station upgrades to meet ADA requirements as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
In its report on fiscal 2024, which ended in September, Amtrak says it spent $155 million on accessibility projects and lists 17 stations in 10 states that have been upgraded. The company says that 124 of its more than 500 stations are fully ADA compliant, while another 67 are accessible. The company said earlier this year that accessibility projects are in progress at another 43 stations, while 144 designs projects are under way.
Well Congress, you created the mandate, but did not provide Amtrak earmarked funds, while starving Amtrak’s annual appropriation.
And what have these congressmen done to provide funding for station compliance? Yet another unfunded mandate.