ROMULUS, Mich. — Efforts to clean up the derailment of a CSX train early on New Year’s Day knocked out power in the area, the Romulus Fire Department reports.
The train carrying steel derailed about 1:37 a.m., near Eureka Road and Interstate 275, according to a fire department Facebook post; WWJ Radio reports about 15 cars were involved. No injuries were reported and no hazardous materials were involved.
The fire department also reports that a piece of construction equipment brought in to help clear the wreck hit an overhead communication line, knocking out power along Eureka Road, including that for traffic lights in the area. The road was expected to be reopened sometime on Sunday.
That’s a spot where auto rack trains are loaded and assembled. Trains are frequently crossing Eureka Road back and forth assembling trains, while caravans of car haulers line up to drop off new vehicles in the yard. Could potentially have been a very messy and expensive derailment.
Around here power and cable internet and TV lines are both carried on poles in the air.
Communication line or power line, they’re usually kept separate, at least out West they are.