HOLLIDAYSBURG, Pa. — The Everett Railroad will run a steam-powered fundraiser trip to support the restoration of the Railroaders Memorial Museum’s Pennsylvania Railroad Class K4s steam locomotive No. 1361.
On Saturday, May 6, the railroad will operate a 1-hour passenger excursion as part of the museum’s “Juniata Jewel Jubilee” to mark the 105th anniversary of the completion of No. 1361. It rolled out of PRR’s Juniata Shops in Altoona in May 1918.
A 4-6-2 passenger type, the 150-ton engine is one of only two survivors of a 425-member fleet of K4s locomotives built between 1914 and 1928. After retirement, it was placed on display in 1957 at the trackside park at Horseshoe Curve, 5 miles west of Altoona. In 1985, it was removed, reconditioned in Conrail’s Altoona Car Shop, and briefly returned to excursion service in 1987-1988.
For this event, Everett 2-6-0 steam locomotive No. 11 (Alco-Cooke, 1920), will wear the 1361’s three-chime Blue Ribbon whistle. Built as a coal-fired engine, No. 11 now burns recycled motor oil as fuel.
The museum is in the midst of a $2.4 million project to restore the 1361 to operating condition. FMW Solutions is consulting on the work, which includes fabricating a completely new Belpaire firebox, visually identical to the PRR-built version but with modifications to meet current pressure-vessel safety standards.
Everett’s fundraiser train leaves Hollidaysburg at noon Saturday, running to Brookes Mills and return. At 3 p.m. at the museum in Altoona, 6 miles north, FMW officials will detail their progress on the 1361. Both the museum and the Horseshoe Curve park, which it administers, will remain open for extended hours till 7 p.m.
Owned by shortline entrepreneur Alan Maples, the Everett operates diesel-powered freight service on about 20 miles of former PRR branches, along with seasonal steam passenger service.
Fares are $20 adults, $15 seniors, $10 youths 3-12, and $5 children under 3 years old. For more information about the Juniata Jewel events, see the museum’s website.
— Updated May 2 at 7 a.m. CDT to correct type of fuel used by Everett No. 11.