WASHINGTON — Almost $2.3 billion in funding is now available for intercity passenger rail capital projects through a Federal Railroad Administration grant program now accepting applications for fiscal 2022.
The Notice of Funding Opportunity issued today (Wednesday, Dec. 7) is for the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program. The program has previously funded improvement work for track, structures, and grade crossings. It has now been expanded to allow eligible entities to apply to expand or establish new passenger rail services; improve the safety, reliability, and performance of existing services; or fund planning elements, such as environment review and final design.
“This is one of the two most significant investments in the past 50 years to modernize passenger train service across the country,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a press release. “Americans deserve excellent passenger rail services, and through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we’re working to deliver it.”
The full Notice of Funding Opportunity, with details on eligibility, the application process, and other information, has been published in the Federal Register and is available here. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. ET on March 7, 2023. More information on the program is available at the FRA website.
“This Partnership Program NOFO offers exciting opportunities to expand federal support for intercity passenger and high-speed rail services to all parts of our nation,” FRA Administrator Amit Bose. said “FRA will work closely with States and stakeholders to provide sustained and dedicated investments in this vital mode of transportation, and together, we will reshape America’s passenger rail network for generations to come.”
Scranton-NY seems like a good project. There is a great YouTube series on the Lackawanna cutoff. I also think that this money should go towards actual projects, not more studies.
Here is an opportunity for private entities like Brightline to take advantage of the $2.3 billion grant offer.
I have lost confidence in Amtrak in the proper use of its funding. It is a monopoly unwilling to upgrade and expand services under current management beyond the Northeast Corridor.
The Scranton-NY service already has the PA State matching funds; the Counties own the RR in PA and NJT and Amtrak the ROW or RR in NJ.
Drop in the bucket. Amtrak could technically absorb the entire fund and still not meet expectations.