BERLIN — German passenger rail service is in the midst of a second two-day strike this month, part of a larger action by the GDL union, which represents the nation’s train drivers in a dispute with national rail operator Deutsche Bahn.
Freight-train drivers went on strike at 5 p.m. local time Friday, with passenger drivers striking from 2 a.m. Monday to 2 a.m. Wednesday, broadcaster DW reports. The union is seeking a 3.2% pay increase and a one-time coronavirus bonus of 600 Euros (about $700), and to protect pensions.
Deutsche Bahn said it would still offer “a reliable basic service,” the website TheLocal.de reports, but cannot guarantee travelers will reach their destination and recommends postponing long-distance trips if possible. The website also offers information on rescheduling or cancelling trips.
The earlier strike, Aug. 11-12, left only about a quarter of the nation’s rail system operating and shut down Berlin’s S-Bahn commuter network [see “German hit by two-day rail strike,” Trains News Wire, Aug. 11, 2021].