News & Reviews News Wire GO Transit to launch service to London, Ontario

GO Transit to launch service to London, Ontario

By Trains Staff | September 16, 2021

| Last updated on May 30, 2024

One-way trip will take about four hours

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Map showing new GO Transit route between Toronto and London, Ontario
GO Transit’s pilot service between Toronto and London, Ontario, will include one-way trips taking about four hours. Metrolinx

TORONTO — GO Transit will launch new service between Toronto and London, Ontario, as of Oct. 18, a pilot program that will extend the commuter operator’s reach about 120 miles from Toronto Union Station.

The new service will extend existing Kitchener Line service with new stops in St. Marys and Stratford, as well as London, using VIA Rail Canada stations in those communities. Initial plans are for one round trip each day. Trips between London and Kitchener will take about two hours, and between London and Toronto will take about four hours.

“Today’s announcement to extend GO train service to London is part of our transportation plan for southwestern Ontario, providing another option that will benefit individuals, families and workers in the region,” Stan Cho, Ontario’s associate minister of transportation, said in a press release.

Detailed schedule and fare information will become available closer to the launch of service.

6 thoughts on “GO Transit to launch service to London, Ontario

  1. I can drive from Toledo, OH, to Lynden, ON, in roughly five hours. That includes customs and occasional forays onto side roads hitting a small town Tim Hortons. Don’t see how this will attract much ridership. Especially one round trip a day.

  2. Drive by car, two hours as long as no accidents, take the train four hours. Not sure about the patronage on this one.

  3. Isn’t this four-hour route what VIA is supposed to do? Does VIA have any remaining role? VIA can’t get you to Vancouver, can’t get you to Edmonton, can’t get you to Halifax or Saint John …. and now it cedes one of the obvious mid-haul corridors to GO.

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