DORVAL, Quebec — An incorrectly lined derail caused the derailment of a Canadian National train on CSX track in a December 2022 incident near Huntingdon, Quebec, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada determined in its final report released Thursday, Feb. 8.
No injuries occurred in the incident, which saw two locomotives and six intermodal cars derail. It took place about 7:12 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2022, at the Carr siding at Mile QM 191 on CSX’s Montreal Subdivision, after CSX and CN crews interchanged trains. A CSX crew had brought its train onto the siding, where it met a CN train that held the main line. The CSX crew took over the U.S.-bound train on the main, and departed for its initial terminal at Massina, N.Y.; the CN crew took over the Canada-bound train, and after receiving a green light and audio confirmation message from the power-assisted switch system, began to move onto the main line. The train was traveling at approximately 22 mph when it passed over the switch point derail north of the siding and derailed.

The report indicates that the locomotive engineer selected the incurred dual-tone multi-frequency radio signal for aligning the switch and derail, and proceeded after receiving the green light. However, the green light, in this case, means that the derail is in derailing position, since the derail does not have a separate target to indicate its position. The report notes “this can be a counter-intuitive indication for a crew located in the siding.” It also noted that there is no sign indicating the presence of a derail and no mention of a derail in the special instructions in effect at the time. The report also says the engineer’s attention was divided between the selection of the radio-control sequence and other activities, including discussion with the conductor, and concerns about the locomotive’s windshield de-icing system.
The TSB investigation was only able to gather video and not accompanying audio from onboard recording devices; audio had been deactivated because of a problem with georeferencing that allows voice recording to be deactivated in the United States to comply with U.S. regulations. Because the accident occurred near the U.S.-Canada border, the system did not activate; this limited the TSB’s ability to analyze communications between crew members. Transport Canada has subsequently developed a regulatory plan to address the issue.
CSX has subsequently added the precise location of each derail to its Montreal Division timetable, and specified the normal position of each derail.
It’s Massena, NY, not “Messina.”
Tom: There is no “signal system” in what is essentially dark territory. Instead there is limited communication between the cab of a locomotive and the power derail to operate it and confirm it has moved. I presume in this case the “green light” in the cab simply meant it was back in the default location protecting against undesired movement of cars parked in the siding. As the TSB commented, in this case it was counter-intuitive.
“the green light, in this case, means that the derail is in derailing position, since the derail does not have a separate target to indicate its position.”
Totally nonsensical.
Poor signal system. Derail signal should be included in the signal system. And signals should be aligned with route by color.