Restored Alco PA No. 190, after a week-long pause at Chicago’s Clearing Yard on its cross-country move from Portland, Ore., has resumed its trip to its new home with Genesee Valley Transportation. Photographer Bruce Stahl caught No. 190 eastbound Friday on a Norfolk Southern train west of South Bend, Ind., trailing four NS and BSNF units.
Genesee Valley acquired the PA from preservationist Doyle McCormack in March. Once it reaches GVT’s Von Storch Locomotive Shops in Scranton, Pa., work will begin to return the locomotive to operating condition for use on the company’s office-car train and other special corporate excursions [see “Genesee Valley Transportation acquires PA …,” Trains News Wire, March 2, 2023, and “Genesee Valley Transportation prepares for move …,” News Wire, March 20, 2023].
NS train 310-15 (Elkhart to Binghamton) has DL 190 in tow. Train passed the Elkhart depot at 0701 Monday 5/15/23. Rumor has it 310-15 will deviate from its normal NYC routing to Cleveland by going through Bellevue OH to get on the Nickel Plate’s Cleveland Division of yore. And at Bellevue, NS NKP HU 8100 was sighted on Sunday so there may be and NKP birds of a feather get together.
I third that “emotion”. It brings back fond memories of when MoP had a yard here locally. At the North End of Paragould, besides the passing track on the West side of the Cotton Belt main, there was another (East of main, Pine Bluff controlled CTC) siding for the MoP entrance to their yard South of town (roundhouse included for the old steam days).
My memories are of the big ole PA’s in blue, would drag a slow manifest. Then too because of a dwarf signal the trackage made a serpentine path before tangent track. The above picture is Beautiful. endmrw0513231227
I second that