After a two-year absence — and a late reversal of a decision made earlier in the year – the CSX Santa Train returned for its 110-mile run on the railroad’s former Clinchfield route between Shelby Yard in Pikeville, Ky., and Kingsport, Tenn, on Saturday.

The train, marking its 80th anniversary, drew large crowds en route.
The Bristol Herald Courier reports that new CSX CEO Joe Hinrichs told reporters on board the train he was just so proud of how we can touch people’s lives in a meaningful way during the holiday season. … It’s great to be back after a couple of years and you can tell — by the crowds we’ve had – that people really appreciate it.”
Hinrichs said he learned about the train at a dinner the day before he was announced as the CEO,and asked what it would take to bring it back. The railroad had previously announced the train — which did not run in 2020 and 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic would not operate for a third straight year because of supply chain and staffing issues [see “CSX Santa Train will not run …,” Trains News Wire, Aug. 23, 2022]. The decision was reversed in late September [see “In reversal, CSX Santa Train to run …,” News Wire, Sept. 27, 2022].
Jamie Boychuk, CSX executive vice president of operations, said the railroad and local union chairman came up with a plan to use one crew to run the train. “Normally, the train is protected at each stop with transportation crews,” Boychuk told the Herald Courier, “but we came up with an idea to use our engineering folks to do that protection.”
The trip saw 16,000 toys and backpacks given away at 14 stops in Kentuck, Virginia, and Tennessee.

And yes Virginia, there is a Santa after all. Great move by CSX!!
Certainly opens discussions on what else can be agreed upon to improve the railroad.
Feeling good about new CSX CEO , things looking up for CSX and customers. Proud to own CSX stock now.
As Rodney King said, “CAN’T WE JUST GET ALONG”. Nice to see what cooperation can accomplish. Congats to both sides.
One must take note. The new CEO WORKED with the unions to make sure this train could run!!!