COVINGTON, Ky. — CSX Transportation has debuted SD70MAC No. 4568, wearing a special paint scheme to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Operation Lifesaver, the non-profit organization dedicated to grade crossing safety and education. The locomotive, painted at the CSX shops in Huntington, W.Va., was operating Tuesday morning (Sept. 13, 2022) on train Q303 to Cincinnati.

That will be a new one I’ll have to collect. I have all of their heritage locomotives in HO scale from ScaleTrains. I hope that they’ll do this one too because I think that it’s a really sharp scheme.
May 15, 2001 an OLS train ran the old T&OC line to Toledo. While awaiting clearance into Stanley yard, CSXT 8888 went past (with noone on board) on its runaway trip to Kenton Ohio.
I agree, very sharp looking. I am also an Operation Lifesaver presenter and also work the booths at many events. I have done this for many years. Operation Lifesaver is an awesome organization that has saved thousands of lives over the past half century with their emphasis on education and safety.
Sharp looking paint scheme, but might be a touch difficult to keep clean!!