EAST CHICAGO, Ind. — The Norfolk & Western Business Car 300 Preservation Society unveiled the restored car on Saturday with an open house at repair and maintenance firm Professional Locomotive Services. Along with tours of the car — built in 1917 and modernized in 1955 — and displays of PLS equipment, visitors were treated to free food (hot dogs and hamburgers), photographer Bruce Stahl reports.
More information on the car is available at the Society’s website. The group, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, also continues to seek donations to support its educational and operational efforts.

1. Why does the roof line look so odd in the top picture?
2. Is the car Amtrak compliant?
The diminutive locomotive is just as attractive as the beautiful passenger car.
The locomotive looks like it just rolled out of the erecting hall at La Grange, which unfortunately is no longer around.
Now how about that for a business/inspection train!!!!
For when the journey TRULY is more important than the speed. 🙂