David Lustig
Two Amtrak Cascades Talgo Series VI trainsets’ final resting place before scrapping is Coast Rail Services in Anaheim, Calif., as seen on March 6, 2021. The distinctive passive-tilt equipment, owned by Washington, was removed from service at the end of June 2020, along with two trainsets owned by Amtrak. The Amtrak Series VI trainsets were deadheaded to the company’s Beech Grove Heavy Maintenance Facility last year. Washington’s Talgos moved to Los Angeles in a special from Seattle earlier this month [see “In an apparent last run, Cascades Talgo equipment arrives in California,” Trains News Wire, March 2, 2021]. — Bob Johnston
THE TALGO train sets suffered from being different.
To bad the drivers on the run could to maintain situational awareness and not try to take a curve at more than twice its rated speed.
While I have never operated a train, I do have a commercial pilot license. So I very much understand the need for being VERY aware.
One would have thought that the first run on a new routing would have even heightened the need for awareness.
Nostalgia is a powerful emotion, isn’t it? Having been aboard the Series VI equipment for many trips between Portland and Seattle, I remember it fondly…mostly. I also remember that the equipment was showing it’s age, and compared to the Series VIII equipment, the Series VI seemed all but antiquated and drab. The Series VI was state of the art…from the 1990s. Hate to say it, but the equipment is old now…and it wasn’t designed to last like a 1940s Budd-built dome car.
Despite being just as nostalgic as anyone, I had to ask myself a few questions. As some commenters have suggested, would a European operator find value in the equipment, despite the enormous cost of ocean transport, re-fitting for European operations, and other needed updates? Would any North American operator find enough value in it? Purchasing the trainsets is just the ante. Spare parts have to be acquired, people would have to be trained to perform maintenance and repairs…and remember, the equipment was withdrawn from service in June 2020; it’s still old. Some expensive refurbishments are needed.
One last question: Is it fair to believe that for more than 20 years, the Talgo Series VI did it’s job (and did it well), and it’s okay to move on?
Im not supportive of the retirement either but how come no one has criticized Amtrak over the Acelas? They have made no mention of retaining the old acelas as rebranded service or supplemental service. Similar age as the Talgo equipment. Will they also be pulled immediately from service and scrapped? A lot of hush hush.
There’s still time to purchase them from the scrapper, I believe he said it would be about 3 months or so before he demolished them in case anyone wanted to buy them still.
I have to wonder if the crash report saying the cars weren’t crashworthy was even accurate. The cars went off a bridge! This report dirtied the title and there was no way the cars could be used after that.
Pre-owned, but still working equipment headed for the scrapper.
The dead hand of government.
After all, it’s not REAL money, only tax money.
That’s the quandry of passenger rail – moving people without huge subsidies is not feasible , so enter government and its corruption, inefficiency and everyday stupidity.
Yeah, I wondered why they weren’t offered to an operator in Europe. The EU has mandated that countries allow new companies to operate trains over incumbent national railways’ lines. LeoExpress is one of these, based in Prague. Flixtrain in Germany is another. Seems that the value there would’ve been higher than scrap, but….who knows?
Nice that there’s a picture of the cars inside the facility since not to many photos get uploaded of Equipment taken from inside the facility.
Sad end to a sad saga. For a trip of a few hours, these Talgo trains were probably the nicest equipment I’ve ever ridden. An utter waste.
We rode one of the trainsets from Seattle to Portland in July 1994. The coach was fitted out very comfortably and the ride was one of the best I have had. Sorry to see the concept abandoned.
I couldn’t agree more! One of the most pleasant rides I have ever had. What a stupid waste. What a shame.
When I was a grade-school boy I occasionally purchased Railroad Magazine at a local newsstand. In an issue around 1945 there were photos of Talgo trains in Spain and I thought they were the ugliest things on rails. The passage of time has not improved them !
They were offered for sale. The scrapper was the highest bidder.
According to the [Southern Rail] commission’s Knox Ross, “We went all the way out there with the understanding that we were going to meet with representatives of WSDOT, who would answer specific questions about the equipment. None of that happened, and the third-party representative they sent to meet with us wouldn’t answer any questions, so we didn’t bid.”
The perception, however erroneous, is that this equipment is no longer capable of operating on the US rail network. It is certainly capable of operating in Europe. Were there any overseas parties interested in acquiring these sets? Did anyone ask? Or is this just a mollification of the psyche to justify such a waste (of public property)?
How much of the fixtures and fiitngs (seats, galleys, toilets, trim, electronics, HVAC) is salvageable for use in other Amtrak equipment????
Good riddance to one of the ugliest pieces of rail equipment ever !
What a waste of beautiful equipment. What happens to an amfleet coach when it falls off a bridge?