News Wire Round-up for Feb. 8, 2019 NEWSWIRE
| Last updated on November 3, 2020
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Time for you guys to get a real job. I used to look up to Trains for professional railroad related news reports. Now all we get is the same old silly beginning each week but only after the commercial pushing Kalmbach Store video sales.
Reestablish chestnut industry
Why no mention of the NS yard worker killed in Baltimore last Friday? Seems VERY hush hush. I’m told that he had only been on the job a very short time.
Are you people for real? Three railroaders have lost their lives on a Canadian Pacific runaway and not one word of condolences to their families? I’m ashamed of you guys.. Enjoy your next paycheck because the men who lost their lives have cashed their last ones!
i agree with joseph toth s comment