PORT CLINTON, Pa. — Railroad Historians of the Lehigh Valley and the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society are sponsoring a branchline excursion using Reading & Northern’s Budd RDCs on Saturday, April 23. The fundraising trip will cover Reading & Northern’s main line and branches, which include trackage from the Reading, Jersey Central, Lehigh Valley Railroad, and Lehigh & New England.
The all-day excursion will depart from Port Clinton at 9 a.m. and will include numerous stops or photo run-bys. Tickets are $99 per person; membership in the organizations is not required.
Seating is limited, with reservations due no later than April 15. For more information, email KGJR1554@earthlink.net.
— Updated at 9 a.m. CST to correct email address; email link corrected Jan. 29.