SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Association of Governments board of directors has passed a 30-year, $160 billion regional transportation plan, but eliminated a proposed road mileage tax, leaving questions how the agency plans to pay for the program.
The Times of San Diego reports key aspects of the plan approved Friday include a direct transit connection to San Diego International Airport, a tunnel to replace the rail line along the slide-prone Del Mar Bluffs, a new trolley line, and increased frequencies for all public transit.
The plan would make transit free for all riders within 10 years, as well as funding major road projects.
The tax of 4 cents per mile for road usage and half-cent regional sales taxes were proposed to help pay for the project, but key officials said they didn’t support the road tax proposal, with Encinitas Mayor and SANDAG chairwoman Catherine Blakespear saying “the fee is unnecessary for the plan to succeed.” With the tax removed, the board approved the proposal 57.8% to 42.1%. Votes by the board are weighted proportionally to the population of the cities they represent.
Having ridden this route years ago it is beautiful rail mileage that will no longer be able to be enjoyed when and if it is replaced by the inland route. However this loss is the result of powerful geological forces that have shaped the earth since its beginning.