ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The long-awaited Albuquerque convention by the Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society, previously postponed due to COVID-19, called for a visit to the downtown’s Rail Yards as part of the annual gathering. Adding on to the itinerary was the June 26-27 appearance of steam locomotive No. 2926, making its first mainline visit to the former ATSF facility in 2024 and its second since restoration.
“The locomotive performed as planned,” said Mathew Casford, chief of rail operations for New Mexico Heritage Rail, which owns the locomotive. “This was a celebration for the capital outlay funds we were able to get from the state to relay the turntable lead.”
Last year’s visit, during the first New Mexico Railroad Days, staged No. 2926 north of the shop complex near the Alvarado Transportation Center. With recent track work completed by Heritage Rail volunteers and advanced coordination with New Mexico Rail Runner Express and BNSF Railway, the 4-8-4 overnighted at the south end, residing next to the turntable and foundation of the former roundhouse for the first time since 1956.
“We’re working with the city [which owns the property] and state in seeking additional funds to do a makeover of the south Rail Yards,” Casford explains, while also noting contining restoration to the turntable and future track work to the shop lead. “The other place we’re looking at investing money in is the industrial spur between our restoration site and the main line, because there is some track that would do us a lot of good if it was upgraded.”
Like last year, No. 2926 and its tool car left the site on June 26 for a short ferry move over the spur and onto the ex-Santa Fe Transcontinental main line. The locomotive returned home the following day, departing the Rail Yards with the sound of its whistle echoing throughout the currently vacant machine shop. Once again, it was a solo operation as the positive train control system wasn’t active along the traversed section of the main line.
Despite an already implemented LeaPTC system, Casford confirms full PTC compliance for No. 2926 will now be required for expanded operations, including any chance for passenger excursions. A capital fundraising campaign is currently underway while both he and the non-profit organization develop a unique and predictably expensive solution to run along state-owned tracks operated by multiple entities.
“We need to figure out what is the best way for us to fit in Rail Runner, Amtrak, BNSF, and NMDOT’s equation so that there is no heartburn over something that’s not normal to them,” he says. “Whenever we do find a solution, we do know that it’s going to cost money and an existential amount.”
In the meantime, NMHR is preparing the locomotive for its second outing to the Rail Yards, scheduled Sept. 27-29 during New Mexico Railroad Days. “Each and every time we fire up No. 2926, we have a running punch list of the things that the guys have observed and need to address when not hot,” Casford explains. “This time around, they’re looking at the packing glands around the piston valves and the main piston rods because they were leaking.
“Now we’re getting to the point that all the big leaks are getting chased out and doing the individual valve lapping. Whether we wanted to or not, NMHR is trying to carry on the standards of the Santa Fe excellence. We’re custodians of one of their Cadillacs.”
Visit the New Mexico Heritage Rail website for more information.
Every race horse takes some baby steps before they :”run like the wind and to the roses” it surely would be nice to see it down in Belen, and out on Cajon one has to dream before reality can come charging along, congrats to all those who worked so hard for these starter steps!!!
Santa Fe No. 2926 shares its number with Southern Railway EMD E-8A No. 2926 (built 1951) which was renumbered to 6903 in 1970. [The 6900 series was originally assigned to Southern Railway’s six Alco PA2’s (PA3’s in rail enthusiasts circle) from 6900 to 6905. Southern had the distinction of having the newest and last Alco PA’s manufactured.]