SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — Beginning today (Wednesday, Feb. 1) Metrolink and the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority are offering a special $1 rond-trip fare on the new Arrow rail service between San Bernardino and Redlands, Calif.
The fare, available through March 5, is available only for fares with origins and destinations between two of the five stations on the 9-mile Arrow route. It is made possible by a grant funded by the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program administered by Caltrans. The program also includes complimentary passes for University of Redlands faculty, staff, and students through February.
“There has been a great deal of excitement about the Arrow service since it launched last fall,” Metrolink Board Chair and City of Highland Mayor Larry McCallon said in a press release. “We want to build on that momentum and introduce as many people as possible to Arrow. Thanks to this grant, we now have a great opportunity to give more potential riders incentive to try out the service.”
So they have a train called “Arrow” in southern California. (Showing my age here:) Wonder why the good ol’ CMStP&P doesn’t charge them with copyright infringement (the Arrow was the nighttime train running with the Midwest Hiawatha back in the day between Chicago and Omaha)….Oh yeah, that railroad ain’t around anymore.
I find it more amusing that this new service shares a region with the last of the Arrow I cars, and it’s not New Jersey.
Map, please.
Here is a link, except Metrolink doesn’t provide a map. https://metrolinktrains.com/rider-info/arrow/
I had to look it up myself, not knowing where Redlands is. Good luck running a 9-mile route between a not-too-exciting mid-sized city and a nearby university town. They might find the trains empty no matter how low the fare or how many free passes to U-Redlands personnel. So let’s check back in a year or so and see if the excitement still exists.