WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Safety Board is seeking candidates to fill a vacancy on its Passenger Rail Advisory Committee, the board has announced. The vacancy is for a representative from a state that provides funding from intercity passenger rail.
Application deadline is Feb. 27.
The vacancy is to replace Roger Millar, secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation since 2016. Miller was replaced this month by new Gov. Bob Ferguson, who named longtime WSDOT official Julie Meredith to the position.
The board established in 2023 and filled for the first time last year, currently has 20 members plus the vacancy. Those members fill 10 specific types of positions as well as a number of at-large spots [see “STB names 21 to first Rail Passenger Advisory Committee,” Trains News Wire, March 28, 2024].
More details are available in the board decision announcing the vacancy. Those interested in submitting nominations may do so at the E-filing section of the STB website, or with a paper version (an original plus 10 copies) to Surface Transportation Board, Attn: Docket No. EP 774 (Sub-No. 1), 395 E Street S.W., Washington, D.C., 20423-0001.