OTTAWA — Transport Canada has announced changes to track inspection rules increasing the frequency of inspections in some areas, as well as rules governing use of automated track-inspection technology.
The rules announced by Transport Minister Omar Alghabra will increase the frequency of track inspections in higher-risk areas where trains travel at greater speeds while carrying large amounts of freight, and require inspection data to clearly identify the time and location of inspections so regulators can verify compliance with rules. The changes also determine minimum frequencies for automated track inspections.
“Railway safety remains one of my top priorities,” Alghabra said in a press release. “The latest changes to the ‘Rules Respecting Track Safety’ will improve inspection and data collection practices and improve safety for those who live and work near Canada’s railway network.”
The ministerial order addressing the changes is available here; track safety rules including the inspection provisions are available here.
Looks like they learned something from that major derail back in September.