News & Reviews News Wire U.S. rail traffic sees slow week

U.S. rail traffic sees slow week

By Trains Staff | December 30, 2021

| Last updated on April 1, 2024

Holiday-week figures up from 2020, but well below 2021 weekly average

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Weekly table showing carload rail traffic by commodity, plus intermodal traffic
Association of American Railroads

WASHINGTON — In a week when overall traffic dropped because of the Christmas holiday, U.S. railroads saw intermodal traffic approach 2020 levels for the first time in months.

The latest statistics from the Association of American Railroads, for the week ending Dec. 25, U.S. rail traffic totaled 201,222 carloads — up 8.7% over the same week in 2020 — while the 219,151 trailers and containers represented just a 0.4% decrease over the same week a year ago. The total volume of 420,373 trailers and intermodal units, while up 3.7% over the corresponding week in 2020, was well under 2021’s weekly average of 505,056 carloads and intermodal units.

Totals through 51 weeks of 2021 have total carloads running 6.7% ahead of 2020 levels, while intermodal traffic is up 5.2% and overall traffic is up 5.9%.

North American totals, from 12 reporting U.S., Canadian, and Mexican railroads, include 288,957 carloads, up 6.6% from the corresponding week in 2020, and 288,261 intermodal  units, a 0% change. Overall traffic, 577,218 carloads and intermodal units, was up 3.2%. Year-to-date North American volume is up 4.7% over 2020.

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