Train Basics Ask Trains Tipping on trains

Tipping on trains

By Angela Cotey | July 15, 2016

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

Ask Trains from the October 2014 issue

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A dining car crew sets up for breakfast on the ‘Auto Train’ in 2012.
Al DiCenso
Q Having been a tipped employee, I know how important service and tips are to customers and employees alike. What would be an appropriate tip for average service for one guest in a roomette? What about tipping for meals in the dinning car? – Donald Mead, Honor, Mich.

A When I travel by train, I plan on leaving a tip of $5 to $10 per night. If I really like the service, then the tip is at the top end of this range. With regard to meals, if your meals are “free” as a sleeping car passenger, a good rule of thumb is to tip 15 to 20 percent of the menu price of your order for each meal. – Fred W. Frailey

One thought on “Tipping on trains

  1. Depending on the length of the journey, I calculate the sleeping car attendants potential tip from $10 to $20. Every time s/he “messes up”, I make a commensurate deduction at the end of the trip. Yes, I have ‘stiffed’ Lake Shore Limited attendants, but have over-tipped, too. Your dining car tips are spot-on.

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