The Canadian National Railways started off by acquiring a handful of bankrupt and government owned railways, but soon after this takeover, and over the next decade, the Canadian National Railways expanded significantly as it purchased railroads in the United States. In this free 39-page PDF download, we dive into the details behind:
- The Wisconsin Central, America’s largest new regional, and how its customer-oriented marketing and operating philosophy helped make it a dynamic carrier and a perfect example of what a regional railroad can achieve.
- The Lake State Legacy and why it was the least permanent regional railroad startup.
- The Chicago Central and its nontraditional approach to railroading, what it had to do to survive, its primary business, and the simplicity behind its operations.
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When I read the title of the article, I thought it was talking about CN’s Sprague Sub that dips into Minnesota and skirts the south shore of Lake of the Woods and then exists back into Canada. That and three other Canadian rail segments are dispatched from Canada per CFR 49.
Ed Burns
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Me neither