Kevin Burkholder
Commemorative GP40-2W No. 311 passes the old depot in Wallingford, Vt., in fresh snowfall on Feb. 13, 2014.
Scott A. Hartley
Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority SW900 No. 14 is seen at the Norfolk, N.Y., enginehouse on Oct. 9, 2013.
Kevin Burkholder
Vermont Railway GP38-2 No. 202 is painted for the Washington County Railroad. The unit is seen ready to depart the White River Junction, Vt., yard with loaded log racks on May 2, 2011.
Kevin Burkholder
Clarendon & Pittsford GP38-2 No. 204 leads a southbound at Barton, Vt., along the Connecticut River Division of the Washington County Railroad on Sept. 1, 2010.
Kevin Burkholder
Vermont Railway GP38-3 No. 303 and GP40-2W No. 310 are seen at Rutland, Vt., on Nov. 25, 2009.
Scott A. Hartley
Green Mountain GP40 No. 304 leads Vermont Railway GP38-3 No. 207, one of two units to carry the former RailTex paint scheme and acquired secondhand. The train passes Florence, Vt., on June 2, 2014.
Kevin Burkholder
Clarendon & Pittsford GP40-2 No. 306 leads a southbound at Ryegate, Vt., on Sept. 12, 2012.
Kevin Burkholder
Vermont Railway GP40-2 No. 307 leads train No. 263 upgrade at Mount Holly, Vt., on June 13, 2014.
Kevin Burkholder
Green Mountain Alco RS1 No. 405 handles interchange traffic from Riverside Yard down the Bellows Falls Subdivision for interchange with the New England Central on March 31, 2011.
Kevin Burkholder
A New York & Ogdensburg local switches a customer at the Port of Ogdensburg, N.Y., with Clarendon & Pittsford GP16 No. 802 on May 12, 2012.
Scott A. Hartley
Green Mountain GP9R No. 804 teams up with a leased GP40 to switch out gondolas at Montpelier Junction, Vt., on July 2, 2010.