Woman struck, killed by CPKC steam tour train in Mexico (updated)

Woman struck, killed by CPKC steam tour train in Mexico (updated)

By Trains Staff | June 4, 2024

Reports say victim was trying to take selfie with locomotive as it passed

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CPKC logoNOPALA DE VILLAGRAN, Mexico — A 29-year-old woman was struck and killed today while trying to take a photo during the passage of CPKC’s Final Spike Steam Tour train in the Mexican state of Hidalgo, according to multiple media reports.

The news site Debate reports that the woman was standing next to the tracks trying to take a selfie with the train’s locomotive; photos of the moment before the woman was struck are widespread on news sites and social media, and a video of the accident is also circulating. Other photos show a huge number of spectators crowding the tracks near the Aragón station in the muncipality of Nopala de Villagrán, where CP 4-6-4 No. 2816 and the CPKC executive train were scheduled to make a 20-minute stop at 12:25 p.m. Reports say that spectators ignored instructions from security at the site to maintain a safe distance from the track.

The woman was pronounced dead at the scene upon the arrival of emergency responders. She has been identified but her name has not been released. Other family members were reportedly with her at the time of the accident.

The site of the incident is about 60 miles northwest of Mexico City.

“Tragically, we regret to share that a woman was fatally injured while standing foul of a passing train soon after it departed Ahorcado,” CPKC said in a statement this evening. “This tragic incident is under investigation.

“We are deeply saddened by this loss of life and wish to express our condolences to the woman’s family and loved ones.

“For their own safety and that of the crews, all spectators looking at any train must always remain at least 10 meters back from the train and the tracks. Spectators must never stand on railway tracks, try to board rail equipment or climb on rail infrastructure. Always use caution around tracks and trains.”

The incident unfortunately recalls a 2018 incident in which a spectator was struck and killed by a Union Pacific steam special with 4-8-4 No. 844 in Commerce City, Colo. That incident also involved a woman who was too close to the tracks while trying to take a photo of the passing train [see “Details emerge about a pedestrian struck and killed …,” Trains News Wire, July 23, 2018, and “Investigators rule UP 844 excursion death accidental …,” News Wire, Aug. 5, 2018].

— Updated at 7:15 p.m. with CPKC statement.

9 thoughts on “Woman struck, killed by CPKC steam tour train in Mexico (updated)

  1. Do folks ever get tired of hearing or seeing themselves invoke the name of Darwin. I do. I bet most folks using it don’t know anything at all about Charles Darwin other than the reference in the rail fan world. Fan lingo now is to call people “Darwins”. Feel for the crew and those that have to respond to these tragedies and give the rest a break.

    As for no sympathy for her family, or very little, because they’re culpable…what about the family not present?

  2. Should not surrounding folks have said something? We have mutual responsibility to look for the welfare of others. This is so sad

  3. Darwin has no sympathy for the stupid…doesn’t matter what country you’re in, there’s always at least one in the crowd and sometimes more. People that this happens to bring it on themselves and as far as I’m concerned don’t get my sympathy…perhaps the family will get some sympathy, but not much because they are somewhat culpable, but not the actual person this happened to.

  4. She was a You Tube and Instagram “influencer”. Looking at the pictures of the crowds up against the ROW where it happened, I am surprised no one else got hurt.

    Most of the videos of the incident have been pulled down for policy violations on the host.

    The only steam engine you should take a selfie with is one that is not moving.

    1. She was hit by the cylinder box at about 35mph to the back of her head. She was kneeling to take the picture when a little boy sat next to her and she stuck her hand out towards him for a second. Just as she looked back up at her phone it was too late. She landed on top of the little boy who crawled away and jumped into the hands of another woman nearby.

      Somewhat weird is many people around her thought she was simply knocked out (or didn’t see it) and kept recording the train going by. I assume it was her husband or just a near by male that reached up and pulled her further down the ballast and started screaming for help.

      People please, moving trains are not selfie material! The only influence you can gain by doing this is with the funeral home.

  5. Such a tragedy. Condolences and Prayers for the family.
    The experience of The Empress Tour is such a joyful event when things are running as they should. This tour has been a “Royal” publicicity opportunity for CPKS where I know, SAFETY comes first.
    Kudos to CPKC for stitching our nations together.
    A sad shadow is cast over the day but joy is just up the line.

    1. ooops….CPKC …the Southern adds .such flair to her maiden name. She will be greatly missed.
      Again, PRAYERS for this lady’s family and friends

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