Behind The Scenes Ask Trains What is the minimum curve radius of the Rapido Trains SW1200?

What is the minimum curve radius of the Rapido Trains SW1200?

By Faith Finfrock | February 3, 2022

| Last updated on March 20, 2024

Cody Grivno answers Rapido Trains SW1200 question

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Q: Can you tell me the minimum curve radius of the Rapido Trains SW1200?

A: I wrote to Jason Shron, president of Rapido Trains, and he said they tested the SW1200 on 18 inch radius track. I have a half circle of 18 inch radius track in front of me, so let’s take a look at the switcher in operation. So let’s go ahead and start up the SW1200 and then we’ll go in reverse. As you can see, the Rapido SW1200 easily navigates these 18 inch radius curves. This is a great switcher for both small and large model railroads.

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