Behind The Scenes Interviews Meet David Popp, Director

Meet David Popp, Director

By David Popp | May 30, 2023

| Last updated on February 22, 2024

Get to know one of the most enthusiastic and prolific leaders in model railroading

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Viewers have a chance to meet David Popp in this latest installment of Q&A with the Editors! The long-time, hobby-loving leader of various tracks-related brands within Kalmbach Media sits down (a rare occasion!) to talk about his multitude of interests in model railroading, his role(s) at the leading hobby publisher, and what keeps him so enthusiastic about the hobby overall!

This video series is exclusively for Unlimited Members to get to know the editors and staff of the titles they enjoy so well. In turn, we will interview all editors and staff of the “tracks titles” at Kalmbach Media, including Trains, Model Railroader, Classic Trains, Classic Toy Trains, Garden Railways,, and Kalmbach Books!

Although each interview is different, and each person unique, we ask five standard questions of each interviewee:

•What is your favorite railroad present or past? And why?
•What is the best part about what you do?
•Tell us about something exciting you’ve been working on lately.
•What interests you most about railfanning, modeling, research, etc.?
•If you were working for the railroad … what railroad craft or position best describes you?

We hope that these personal videos allow you to gain more insight into how your favorite magazines and media about railroading and model railroading are formed in suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

More importantly, YOU, the Unlimited members at will be able to ask editors questions in future episodes. Be sure to check each issue of the Member newsletter for when we post more details!

If you are not already signed up for the Unlimited Newsletter, sign up online today!

So please enjoy this article, as a way to get to know David Popp even better!

5 thoughts on “Meet David Popp, Director

  1. David has quite the enviable career! David’s videos got me back into model railroading with a “you can do this!!” feel to them, as I didn’t know what I was doing after my 45 year model railorading gap. His excellent teaching skills come through on his videos.

  2. I enjoyed the Q And A with David Popp. I was a subscriber to Model Railroader in the late 70, and enjoyed the magazine, but work pulled me away from doing any sort of modeling. I had built an N scale layout about 26 years ago, both my grandsons have enjoyed the layout. My oldest grandson asked me to keep the layout going I was going to rip it down, but he talked me out of doing so. I had picked up a couple of model railroaders and was completely hooked again, both grandsons love turning through the pages of the magazines. David was the first person who I felt I clicked with he had done a few pieces, I really enjoyed. Now do to David I’m doing DCC on the same layout and it’s been a real gas. So, Thank You David, you’re still teaching this old guy new things.

  3. Enjoyed the Q & A I enjoy all the things done at Kalmbach, and look forward to more videos.

  4. It’s been great to what David’s career, both as a fellow model railroader, but also as the parent of young men that he guided through high school. My son Stephen was a lead in South Pacific and is in the photo shown in the video. When they are home, the boys they love to see what “Mr. Popp” is “up to” and looks like in his videos. I’m saving this one for them!
    I recently was remodeling a mountain and unearthed Styrofoam from the set of “Meet Me in St Louie”, another of David’s thespian endeavors. He definitely belongs on camera!

    Bill Lorence

  5. Interesting, very well done. The series is great, it’s not easy interviewing people you work with or for. Hats off to Steve!

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