Product Reviews

See and hear for yourself how new products perform with these product reviews.
Accucraft’s live-steam Norfolk & Western 4-8-4

Accucraft’s live-steam Norfolk & Western 4-8-4

Video: Walthers HO scale Plymouth ML-8 switcher

Video: Walthers HO scale Plymouth ML-8 switcher

Recently Model Railroader senior editor Dana Kawala had a chance to examine and operate a...

Video: Athearn HO scale Southern Pacific SD40

Video: Athearn HO scale Southern Pacific SD40

The Athearn Trains HO scale Southern Pacific SD40 features prototypical details and realistic sound effects...

Video: Bachmann SoundValue HO scale EMD E7A

Video: Bachmann SoundValue HO scale EMD E7A

An Electro-Motive Division E7A passenger diesel joins the Bachmann Trains' SoundValue line of HO scale...

Athearn Genesis HO scale GE U50 diesel

Athearn Genesis HO scale GE U50 diesel

In this exclusive video review for Model Railroader, James Wright of the JLWII2000 YouTube channel...

Video: MTH HO scale R17 New York Subway set

Video: MTH HO scale R17 New York Subway set

MTH Electric Trains brings the sights and sounds of the New York City Subway to...

Video: Bachmann SoundValue HO scale USRA light 4-6-2 Pacific

Video: Bachmann SoundValue HO scale USRA light 4-6-2 Pacific

This HO scale United States Railroad Administration light 4-6-2 Pacific from Bachmann Trains models a...

Video: ESU LokSound Full Throttle diesel demo

Video: ESU LokSound Full Throttle diesel demo

Matt Herman, General Manager at ESU, LLC., stopped by to show the Model Railroader staff...

Video: Museum Quality series HO scale GTEL

Video: Museum Quality series HO scale GTEL

The Museum-Quality series Union Pacific GTEL (gas-electric turbine locomotive) features an ESU LokSound decoder...

Video: TCS WOWSound Steam Version 4 decoder

Video: TCS WOWSound Steam Version 4 decoder

Senior editor Dana Kawala recently installed a WOWSound Steam Version 4 decoder and 28mm high-bass...

Video: GoodDeals DCC Test Track

Video: GoodDeals DCC Test Track

At the National Train Show 2016 held in Indianapolis, Ind., the Model Railroader staff came...

Video: Kato HO SD40-2 and EMD 2nd Generation Sound Card

Video: Kato HO SD40-2 and EMD 2nd Generation Sound Card

Kato USA released a Second-generation Electro-Motive Division (EMD) Sound Card that's a perfect match to...

Member video: Review of the HO scale Big Blow Turbine

Member video: Review of the HO scale Big Blow Turbine

Check out this video review of the Museum Quality HO scale GTEL 8,500hp turbine....

Video review Atlas HO scale GE Dash 8-40BW

Video review Atlas HO scale GE Dash 8-40BW

    In this exclusive video review for Model Railroader, James Wright of the JWLII2000...

Video: Kato N scale Amtrak Southwest Limited passenger train

Video: Kato N scale Amtrak Southwest Limited passenger train

The Kato N scale Amtrak Southwest Limited passenger train set features two newly tooled passenger...

Video: National Train Show 2016 Special Report part 2

Video: National Train Show 2016 Special Report part 2

Associate editor Cody Grivno wraps up coverage of the National Train Show 2016 in Indianapolis....

Video: Model Rectifier Corp Light Genie model railroad lighting controller

Video: Model Rectifier Corp Light Genie model railroad lighting controller

Adding lighting effects like flashing signals, flickering gas lamps, warning strobes, and rotating beacons to...

Video: Rivarossi HO scale U28C

Video: Rivarossi HO scale U28C

The Rivarossi/Hornby USA HO scale General Electric U28C features newly designed handrails and an ESU...

Video: Walthers HO scale Capitol Limited passenger train

Video: Walthers HO scale Capitol Limited passenger train

Strata-Domes and streamlined diesel locomotives highlight the HO scale Capitol Limited passenger train from Walthers....

Video: Bowser Trains HO scale GMDD SD40-2

Video: Bowser Trains HO scale GMDD SD40-2

This HO scale General Motors Diesel Division (GMDD) models a Canadian-built version of the SD40-2...