Other Modeling Videos

Heisler geared steam locomotives in operation today (2020)

Heisler geared steam locomotives in operation today (2020)

  One of the big three of geared steam power, the Heisler was a favorite...

South Dakota Railroad Museum 2020 tour

South Dakota Railroad Museum 2020 tour

Join us in Hill City, S.D., for one a visit to one of the nation’s...

Black Hills Central Railroad steam powered double-header

Black Hills Central Railroad steam powered double-header

The Black Hills Central tourist railroad operated a doubleheader with its two Baldwin tank engines...

Strasburg Rail Road at 60

Strasburg Rail Road at 60

One of the nation’s iconic tourist railroads, Pennsylvania’s Strasburg Rail Road, reached a major milestone...

CSX history including predecessors

CSX history including predecessors

  Join Trains on a locomotive-studded tour of CSX Transportation — the blue and gold...

Short Line Railroads

Short Line Railroads

    You got it. Railroads covered most of the country with branches, and sidings...

Rochelle, Ill. — a Midwest railroad hotspot for train watching

Rochelle, Ill. — a Midwest railroad hotspot for train watching

Join Trains editors on a short tour of the best parts of Rochelle, Ill., for...

Intermodal and the Long-Haul Market

Intermodal and the Long-Haul Market

    Yes it is, Brian. In fact, intermodal passed coal in 2013 as railroads’...

Burlington Northern and the Grain Industry

Burlington Northern and the Grain Industry

    Sure thing, Angela. Since the Baltimore & Ohio began hauling flour from Ellicott’s...

Steel: a Critical Building Block

Steel: a Critical Building Block

    For an industry which hauls the heaviest, densest loads overland, no other material...

Cass Scenic Railroad, a glance at logging locomotive in summertime

Cass Scenic Railroad, a glance at logging locomotive in summertime

Join Trains editors on a brief tour of the historic Case Scenic Railroad in Cass,...

The Persistence of Crude Oil

The Persistence of Crude Oil

    But this new source of revenue has a troubling side.   Rapid growth strains...

The Transportation of Lumber

The Transportation of Lumber

  Thanks, Jim.  Canadian National is the No. 1 lumber-hauling railroad in the U.S.   It...

BNSF’s Needles Division

BNSF’s Needles Division

This video was originally published by Trains as part of the Locomotive 2017 DVD. BNSF...

Canadian Pacific Railway on the shore of Lake Superior

Canadian Pacific Railway on the shore of Lake Superior

This video was originally published by Trains as part of the Locomotive 2017 DVD. Canadian...

Automobiles on the Rails

Automobiles on the Rails

    Originally, cars didn’t have it so good. They went in boxcars. They went...

BNSF/Florida East Coast and natural gas testing

BNSF/Florida East Coast and natural gas testing

This video was originally published by Trains as part of the Locomotive 2017 DVD. Natural...

Operations on the Delaware Lackawanna

Operations on the Delaware Lackawanna

This video was originally published by Trains as part of the Locomotive 2017 DVD.  ...

Ontario Southerns FP9s and plowing snow

Ontario Southerns FP9s and plowing snow

This video was originally published by Trains as part of the Locomotive 2017 DVD. Southwest...

Class One Motive Power–an overview

Class One Motive Power–an overview

Kansas City Southern hasn’t purchased new locomotives since 2014 as the company has had ample...