Beginners Series

Polar Express five-day layout build
The Classic Toy Trains staff built the Polar Express layout over a five day period,...
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Install the LionChief app on your smartphone or tablet
Learning to install the LionChief app on your smartphone or tablet is nothing to fear....
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Budget Christmas train layout for about $60 in scenery
Looking for a budget Christmas train layout? Look no further. Classic Toy Trains Production Editor...
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Toy train smoke: Lots of scents available
Toy train smoke hijinx (and a minor train wreck) abound as Hal Miller and Rene...
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Budget railroading: dollar store finds
Classic Toy Trains Editor Hal Miller prowls the dollar store aisles in search of inexpensive...
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Toy Train Basics: All about track
To continue this informative series of videos from Classic Toy Trains magazine, David Popp shares...
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Toy Train Basics: Cleaning track and wheels
MRVP's Jenny Freeland shares insights on how to properly clean O gauge track in this...
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Toy Train Basics: Changing traction tires
Classic Toy Trains magazine Editor Hal Miller demonstrates his quick and easy techniques for replacing...
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How to quickly weather O-gauge vehicles
With just a few supplies, Kent Johnson shows you how to quickly add dirt and...
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