s-gauge-4-6-6-4-by-american-flyer-by-lionelhttps://www.trains.com/vid/toytrains/reviews/s-gauge-4-6-6-4-by-american-flyer-by-lionel/Video: S gauge 4-6-6-4 by American Flyer by Lionel | Classic Toy Trains MagazineThis Union Pacific Challenger from Lionel offers S gaugers a highly detailed, articulated loco that possesses the most advanced electronics in the S gauge world. [...]Read More...InStockUSD1.001.00reviewstoytrainsvideoVID2022-11-072012-03-19132830
This Union Pacific Challenger from Lionel offers S gaugers a highly detailed, articulated loco that possesses the most advanced electronics in the S gauge world.