Video: Digitrax Zephyr Express DCC system
| Last updated on March 11, 2021
Check out this DCC demo of the Digitrax Zephyr Express Digital Command Control starter set
| Last updated on March 11, 2021
Check out this DCC demo of the Digitrax Zephyr Express Digital Command Control starter set
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Hi Charles, The programming track is from Good Deals DCC.
Thanks for watching,
Dana Kawala
Senior Editor
Model Railroader
If I purchased a Digitrax Zephyr Express unit, how would I be able to integrate (or not) my present Digitrax DCS 51 unit into my layout’s overall DCC system? Under what scheme would the two units work together? I presently have the DCS 51, a Digitrax corded basic throttle, and the Digitrax interface which allows the use of a smartphone as a throttle.
Very nice system. About the program track – Is it purchased or handmade?
I upgraded from the DCS 51. I sold my old DCS 51 and the PR# (which I no longer need) on eBay. So for about $20 I have an state of the art DCC system.
Yes it will control stationary decoders for turnouts.
You guys spend a lot of time on DCC when I believe most operators are still using DC.
Thanks for a great review.I have the dcs 51….however I wonder why isn’t there a “switch” to operate pure dc locomotives at the same time (o-12 volts) without the buzzing sound (higher voltage issue etc). it would have been more practical as most layouts operate dcc and dc ?
best regards
Nicolas Bikhazi
So is this system better the the NCE power cab? I haven’t bought my DCC controller yet plus can you control turn outs with this system?
Very nice starter system with USB plug already included to connect a computer . I use JMRI ( free on internet ) all the time on my Digitrax system to program loco CV . With this system you dont have to buy extra wire , a plus .
I like the clean and easy to understand board .
thanks Dana. I have ordered one and will take the plunge to DCC.
Nice review. I have an older model (DCS51) but this review makes me want to sell it and get the newer model.
Thanks Dana! I have the old Zephyr and was wondering about upgrading to the new DCS52 version versus changing to another DCC system. My problem is the investment in extra Digitrax equipment I have added. Based on your review I may get the Zephyr Express as it would allow me to keep using my extra throttles and such.
Nice demo was thinking of updating. I like the new options
Cool! Two tunnel motors!